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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Memory Lane

Being a hobbyist, I really can't recall when Carol called me regarding the 18th Birthday of her eldest daughter, Bernice. I have just been to Isabela concerning our missionary project with Fr. Angel B. Luga of the Parish of Cauayan "One Barangay, One Chapel, One Community One Church Project", when Carol called concerning the 18th Birthday of their eldest daughter Bernice. Well, as usual, I'd like to see the old pictures of the child and their family, how she grown through the years. It's a passion to see these children and their family grew-up, as a family.

It's wonderful to see how a family grew through the years. A family as the basic institution in nation building. Alfon, Carol's husband has been at sea for years to support his family. It might have been Divine that we have been called to this project, to bond Filipino families once again, though separated seas apart.

In our continuing effort to bond Filipinos worldwide, Alfon and Carol's children, with Bernice, who shall be celebrating her 18th Birthday. It's wonderful to see how their family grew through the years . . .

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